Nepali Unicode
Online Nepali unicode converter is the easiest way to type in nepali unicode font, Type or write in nepali romanized font and it will automatically convert romanized nepali text into Nepali font. This Nepali unicode is widely usable in any meida, machine or browser. This can be use in chatting, emailing and many others.
Nepali Unicode
To mix English into your Nepali text. Simply put any text you want to keep in English inside the curly {} brackets. Example: yo {mobile} mero ho. = यो mobile मेरो ह
Phonetically similar letters: ta = त, Ta = ट, tha = थ, Tha = ठ, da = द, Da = ड, dha = ध, Dha = ढ, na = न, Na = ण, sha = श, Sha = ष ... The (upper or lower) case doesn't matter for the rest of the letters2
Other special characters:ri^ = रि (as in प्र)rr = र् (as in गर्य)rri = ऋ rree = ॠyna = ञ chha = छksha =क्षgya =ज्ञ* = अनुस्वर** = चन्द्रबिन्दुom = ॐ